Topics for talks:
- Talks can be on almost any topic, whatever you are most nerdy about. Previous topics include dog behavior, tort reform, Britpop, microorganisms, and kolaches.
- If you have any questions on if your topic would be good, or how to make it most interesting for our audience then let us know and we can help out.
- Topics can be niche or technical, but keep in mind that it is a general audience and define any terms people might not know.
- Once you have signed up, you will be contacted about two weeks before your scheduled Nerd Nite for the title of your talk so it can be posted on our social media.
- Talks should be 15-20 minutes, so keep that in mind when making your presentation and with how many slides you are including.
- After each talk there is a question and answer session.
- At Grand Prize, the presentations are shown in Google Slides. Files can be made in Google Slides, Powerpoint, or whatever programs in ppt or pptx files.
- If the presentation is made in Powerpoint, some fonts and transitions and fancy things in that won’t work when the presentation is projected at Grand Prize Bar, so please check that those work/be aware they might look different in Google Slides.
- Try to have more pictures and less text. Include as much text as needed, but you don’t want people reading paragraphs of information while you’re talking.
- Use fonts that are fairly legible, and a font size that’s big enough to read, the smallest the font should be is 24 pt.
- Grand Prize can be loud when there are a lot of people there, so if there are videos with audio in your presentation it can be difficult to hear the audio. Please keep this in mind if you are wanting to include audio and/or video, or ask if you have questions or issues.
- If you are wanting to do something more than just giving a presentation- like giving away food or other items, demonstrating an instrument, or doing something else related to your talk, then please let us know.
Day before Nerd Nite:
- Please email your presentation to Nerd Nite to day before your presentation.
- If your presentation has audio or video or anything unusual it it, please let us know so we can make sure it’s working when it’s projected.
Day of Nerd Nite:
- The Nerd Nite bosses will be getting to Grand Prize at 6:30pm to set equipment up.
- This includes the computer with the presentations, projector, speaker, microphone, and clicker to go through slides. You do not need to bring any equipment.
- Please arrive a little before 7pm and come up and say hi so that we know you are there.
- Nerd Nite starts at 7pm, with the Nerd Nite boss starting the presentation with the welcome and any announcements, before introducing the first presenter.
- There will be short breaks between the 1st and 2nd presenter and the 2nd and 3rd so people can go to the bar if needed.
- Nerd Nite ends by 9pm.